Reality Check: 7/27/14



At my height, my normal body weight should be 97 – 123 pounds. Though, to be honest, I’m less concerned with the actual number and more concerned that my back rolls don’t become bigger than my boobs.

7/27/2014 – 135 lbs

1-July27 2-July27 3-July27


Total running: $34,173.18 (5 credit cards)

CC#1: $7988 (1.74%APR til 4/2015)

CC#2: $683 (13.24%APR)

CC#3: $5456 ($4033.10 of it on offer of 0% til 4/2015; $1535.62 with 13.24%APR, as of 7/16)

CC#4: $19,856 ($7,666.35 of it on offer of .99% til 4/2015; $12,460.47 with 16.24%, as of 7/8)

CC#5: $190.18 (to be paid off in a couple weeks cause it’s a store card, and store card interest rates are INSANE! But I got 5% off by using it, so I saved a few bucks)




-Sleepless in LA